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9:16 aspect ratio

The 9:16 aspect ratio is is frequently used in the world of digital media. Aspect ratio is expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 4:3, 16:9 or 9:16. The first number represents the width, and the second number represents the height. Different aspect ratios can create different viewing experiences, affecting the composition, framing, and visual impact of images and videos.

What is 9:16 aspect ratio?

The 9:16 aspect ratio is a vertical format where the width is 9 units and the height is 16 units. It’s the inverse of the 16:9 aspect ratio, which is the standard for HDTV and widescreen displays. The 9:16 aspect ratio is commonly used for mobile devices and social media platforms, as it fits perfectly with the portrait orientation of smartphones.

With the rise of mobile internet usage and vertical video content, the 9:16 aspect ratio has gained significant popularity. It provides a full-screen viewing experience on mobile devices, making it ideal for mobile video content, apps, and mobile websites. It’s also the preferred aspect ratio for platforms like Instagram Stories, Snapchat and TikTok, which are designed for vertical content consumption.

Benefits of using 9:16 aspect ratio

There are several benefits to using the 9:16 aspect ratio for digital content:

  • It provides a full-screen viewing experience on mobile devices. This can enhance user engagement and immersion, as the content takes up the entire screen without any black bars or empty spaces.9:16 aspect ratio is optimized for the way people naturally hold their smartphones. Most people hold their phones vertically about 94% of the time, according to a study by MOVR. Therefore, content in a 9:16 aspect ratio can be consumed more comfortably and naturally, without the need for the user to rotate their device.
  • 9:16 aspect ratio can help to differentiate your content. As most traditional media and web content is still in a horizontal format, vertical content can stand out and grab attention. This can be particularly beneficial in the context of social media, where users are constantly scrolling through a feed of content.