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Reach more people, get more results

Explore any plan with confidence, backed by our 7-day money-back guarantee.

Save up to 20%

Trusted by 6M+ streamers

Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
Advanced features
For our power users.
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
  • 2 channel multistreaming
    Stream to multiple platforms at the same time. No extra internet or bandwidth required.
  • 30+ free platforms
    Choose from 30+ platforms, including Twitch, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Kick.
  • Restream branding
    A small watermark and/or a link to Restream in your video description.
  • Cross-platform chat
    Read and reply to messages across multiple platforms at the same time.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
  • 6 on-screen guests
    Have 6 people on-screen and visible at a time in your video.
  • Basic graphics
    Use included overlays, and backgrounds.
  • Stream in HD, 720p
    Stream in high definition using Restream Studio.
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
  • 15 minute upload
    Stream up to 15 minute of any pre-recorded video live.
  • Store 3 videos
    Keep up to 3 uploaded videos available in storage for pre-recorded streaming.
  • 250MB per video
    For the best performance as a pre-recorded stream, 15 minute videos should be less than 250MB.
Advanced features
For our power users.
  • Invite 1 teammate
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
Saving $38/yr
$19 when billed monthly
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
  • 5 channel multistreaming
    Stream to multiple platforms at the same time. No extra internet or bandwidth required.
  • Facebook Pages & Groups
    Add Facebook Pages and Groups to your list of streaming channels.
  • Remove Restream branding
    Remove the Restream logo and links from your videos.
  • Cross-platform chat
    Read and reply to messages across multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Custom channels
    Connect any platform that supports RTMP streaming.
  • 6 hour stream recordings
    Get a cloud recording the first 6 hours of every stream.
  • 15 day recording storage
    Cloud recordings will be available to download for 15 days.
  • 2 concurrent events
    Live stream multiple events from the same Restream account at the same time.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
  • 10 on-screen guests
    Have 10 people on-screen and visible at a time in your video.
  • Custom graphics
    Upload your own logos, overlays and backgrounds to create a unique and branded experience.
  • Stream in HD, 720p
    Stream in high definition using Restream Studio.
  • Custom video clips
    Upload your own videos to play during your live stream.
  • Stream to guest channels
    Invite others to add their own social platforms to your live event.
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
  • 30 minute upload
    Stream up to 30 minute of any pre-recorded video live.
  • Store 5 videos
    Keep up to 5 uploaded videos available in storage for pre-recorded streaming.
  • 500MB per video
    For the best performance as a pre-recorded stream, 30 minute videos should be less than 500MB.
Advanced features
For our power users.
  • Invite 1 teammate
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
Most popular
Most popular
Saving $98/yr
$49 when billed monthly
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
  • 8 channel multistreaming
    Stream to multiple platforms at the same time. No extra internet or bandwidth required.
  • Facebook Pages & Groups
    Add Facebook Pages and Groups to your list of streaming channels.
  • Remove Restream branding
    Remove the Restream logo and links from your videos.
  • Cross-platform chat
    Read and reply to messages across multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Custom channels
    Connect any platform that supports RTMP streaming.
  • 10 hour stream recordings
    Get a cloud recording the first 10 hours of every stream.
  • 15 day recording storage
    Cloud recordings will be available to download for 15 days.
  • 4 concurrent events
    Live stream multiple events from the same Restream account at the same time.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
  • 10 on-screen guests
    Have 10 people on-screen and visible at a time in your video.
  • Custom graphics
    Upload your own logos, overlays and backgrounds to create a unique and branded experience.
  • Stream in Full HD, 1080p
    Stream at the highest quality available in Restream Studio.
  • Custom video clips
    Upload your own videos to play during your live stream.
  • Stream to guest channels
    Invite others to add their own social platforms to your live event.
  • Split audio and video tracks
    Get a separate recording for each guest to use for repurposing content.
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
  • 60 minute upload
    Stream up to 60 minute of any pre-recorded video live.
  • Store 10 videos
    Keep up to 10 uploaded videos available in storage for pre-recorded streaming.
  • 2GB per video
    For the best performance as a pre-recorded stream, 60 minute videos should be less than 2GB.
  • Video looping
    Set your pre-recorded videos on replay up to 10 times.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 4 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • 3 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
Advanced features
For our power users.
  • Invite 4 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • 3 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
Saving $198/yr
$99 when billed monthly
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
  • 15 channel multistreaming
    Stream to multiple platforms at the same time. No extra internet or bandwidth required.
  • Facebook Pages & Groups
    Add Facebook Pages and Groups to your list of streaming channels.
  • Remove Restream branding
    Remove the Restream logo and links from your videos.
  • Cross-platform chat
    Read and reply to messages across multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Custom channels
    Connect any platform that supports RTMP streaming.
  • 20 hour stream recordings
    Get a cloud recording the first 20 hours of every stream.
  • 30 day recording storage
    Cloud recordings will be available to download for 30 days.
  • 10 concurrent events
    Live stream multiple events from the same Restream account at the same time.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
  • 10 on-screen guests
    Have 10 people on-screen and visible at a time in your video.
  • Custom graphics
    Upload your own logos, overlays and backgrounds to create a unique and branded experience.
  • Stream in Full HD, 1080p
    Stream at the highest quality available in Restream Studio.
  • Custom video clips
    Upload your own videos to play during your live stream.
  • Stream to guest channels
    Invite others to add their own social platforms to your live event.
  • Split audio and video tracks
    Get a separate recording for each guest to use for repurposing content.
  • RTMP Source
    Connect external software to Restream Studio, like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and more.
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
  • 2 hour upload
    Stream up to 2 hours of any pre-recorded video live.
  • Store 25 videos
    Keep up to 25 uploaded videos available in storage for pre-recorded streaming.
  • 5GB per video
    For the best performance as a pre-recorded stream, minute videos should be less than 5GB.
  • Video looping
    Set your pre-recorded videos on replay up to 10 times.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 9 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Web player, 1,000 viewers
    Embed your live stream on your own website, with support for 1,000 simultaneous viewers.
  • Restream Amplifier
    Use Restream's global network as a proxy to deliver your streams over far distances.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • 5 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
Saving $598/yr
$299 when billed monthly
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Zoom, vMix and more.
  • 20 channel multistreaming
    Stream to multiple platforms at the same time. No extra internet or bandwidth required.
  • Facebook Pages & Groups
    Add Facebook Pages and Groups to your list of streaming channels.
  • Remove Restream branding
    Remove the Restream logo and links from your videos.
  • Cross-platform chat
    Read and reply to messages across multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Custom channels
    Connect any platform that supports RTMP streaming.
  • 20 hour stream recordings
    Get a cloud recording the first 20 hours of every stream.
  • 30 day recording storage
    Cloud recordings will be available to download for 30 days.
  • 10 concurrent events
    Live stream multiple events from the same Restream account at the same time.
Restream Studio
Stream and record professional videos in your browser - no download needed!
  • 10 on-screen guests
    Have 10 people on-screen and visible at a time in your video.
  • Custom graphics
    Upload your own logos, overlays and backgrounds to create a unique and branded experience.
  • Stream in Full HD, 1080p
    Stream at the highest quality available in Restream Studio.
  • Custom video clips
    Upload your own videos to play during your live stream.
  • Stream to guest channels
    Invite others to add their own social platforms to your live event.
  • Split audio and video tracks
    Get a separate recording for each guest to use for repurposing content.
  • RTMP Source
    Connect external software to Restream Studio, like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and more.
Upload & Stream
Schedule pre-recorded videos to go live automatically.
  • 4 hour upload
    Stream up to 4 hours of any pre-recorded video live.
  • Store 50 videos
    Keep up to 50 uploaded videos available in storage for pre-recorded streaming.
  • 10GB per video
    For the best performance as a pre-recorded stream, 4 hour videos should be less than 10GB.
  • Video looping
    Set your pre-recorded videos on replay up to 10 times.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 9 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Web player, 10,000 viewers
    Embed your live stream on your own website, with support for 10,000 simultaneous viewers.
  • Stream backup
    Send a secondary stream to Restream and automatically switch to the extra source if something goes wrong.
  • Restream Amplifier
    Use Restream's global network as a proxy to deliver your streams over far distances.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • 10 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
  • Invoice billing
    Pay for your subscription by invoice rather than recurring credit card charges.
Advanced features
For our power users.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • Restream Amplifier
    Use Restream's global network as a proxy to deliver your streams over far distances.
  • Stream backup
    Send a secondary stream to Restream and automatically switch to the extra source if something goes wrong.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 4 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • 3 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 9 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Web player, 1,000 viewers
    Embed your live stream on your own website, with support for 1,000 simultaneous viewers.
  • Restream Amplifier
    Use Restream's global network as a proxy to deliver your streams over far distances.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • 5 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
For businesses
Grow your business with features built to expand your reach.
  • Invite 9 teammates
    Invite your team to collaborate in Restream Studio, create events and manage your channels.
  • Web player, 10,000 viewers
    Embed your live stream on your own website, with support for 10,000 simultaneous viewers.
  • Stream backup
    Send a secondary stream to Restream and automatically switch to the extra source if something goes wrong.
  • Restream Amplifier
    Use Restream's global network as a proxy to deliver your streams over far distances.
  • Engagement analytics
    Track viewership & engagement from live streams. Monitor viewers, length & interaction. Analyze data for insights & optimize strategy.
  • Stream health monitor
    Monitor your stream's health and performance closely. Avoid any potential issues by staying on top of it.
  • 10 RTMP Pull links
    Links to pull your live stream from Restream's servers can be used by CDNs for redistribution.
  • Invoice billing
    Pay for your subscription by invoice rather than recurring credit card charges.
stars rating
Restream has increased my business' visibility. Getting started was easy, and it allows me to live stream to multiple platforms simultaneously.
— Evan W.Comedian, Author and Podcaster

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Restream?

    Restream is a complete live streaming solution that allows you stream from one place to 30+ social channels.

  • How do I get started?

    Register on our website, connect platform accounts and go live in seconds right from your browser (no setup needed) or your favorite streaming tool. Learn more

  • Does Restream affect my video quality?

    No, Restream doesn't affect your video quality thanks to our innovative technology.


  • Can I stream for free?

    Yes, you can choose 2 from 30+ social channels to multistream for free. Our paid plans offer extra channels and more robust features.

  • Which plan should I choose?

    Our plans are based on the number of channels you need to stream to and additional features. Our support team can help you pick the plan that fits your needs.

  • What is custom RTMP?

    Custom RTMP is a way to stream to a platform that is not listed among our supported services, but provides an RTMP URL and stream key.


  • Can I stream in Full HD?

    Yes, Restream paid plans allow you to stream in Full HD (1080p). However, some platforms don't support it.

  • Can I stream with stereo sound?

    Yes, Restream Studio supports stereo sound. This feature comes with the professional plan.

  • Can I stream using streaming software?

    Yes, you can use any 3rd party streaming software or our intuitive web-based Restream Studio. Learn more


  • Can I invite guests to the stream?

    Yes, you can add guests with an invite link. Restream supports up to 10 participants. Learn more

  • Can I stream pre-recorded videos?

    Yes, you can stream pre-recorded content live with Uplaod & Stream. Learn more

  • Can I stream to my server or custom destinations?

    Yes, you can use our Custom RTMP feature and stream to any custom platform that provides an RTMP URL and stream key. Learn more


  • Do I need additional bandwidth to multistream?

    No, you don't need additional bandwidth to use Restream even if you stream to 30 destinations at once.

  • Do you have any bitrate limits?

    No, Restream doesn’t have any bitrate limits. Note, that sometimes platforms set their bitrate limits.

  • Does it add any delays?

    Sometimes a tiny delay may happen. This isn't affected by how many channels you have. It is always less than 2 seconds.


  • Can I switch between cameras and audio sources?

    Yes, you can switch between cameras and microphones with a click.

  • Can I customize my stream?

    Yes, Restream offers a rich collection of themes, overlays, logos, and backgrounds for any occasion. Also, you can brand your stream with your own graphics. Learn more

  • Can I stream only audio?

    Yes, you can. You can start a live stream with a static image or black screen and broadcast your audio content.