Wondering how to choose a hosting site for your videos? We'll guide you through key criteria and review the best options to expand your audience reach.
Make sure the event signup page is user-friendly, create teaser videos and host a pre-event contest. Use these tips and many more to promote your virtual event.
Live streaming your educational event can drive higher engagement and participation. It allows for real-time interaction and lets everyone attend, even if they can’t go in-person.
There’s nothing like that sinking feeling when someone steals credit for your work. But if someone claims your videos as their own or uses them without permission, you can do something about it.
What resolution should you live-stream at? Is SD enough or should you go HD? Learn the difference between the two and how to know which one to stream with.
Get more exposure for your live streams by hosting and interviewing guests. Audiences love a good Q&A — and it gives viewers the chance to ask questions and participate too.
Enhance the live chat experience for your audience with dynamic and themed chat templates. Transforming your live chat is as easy as clicking a button.