3GP to MP3 Converter

Convert 3GP to MP3 format right in your browser. Minimal effort, 100% free to use.
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What is 3GP?

3GP files are a multimedia container format defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project. It was developed to play videos on 3G-enabled mobile phones that weren’t capable of playing MP4 videos, but 3GP files can also work on some 2G and 4G phones.

3GP files can still be used, but there’s less of a need for them thanks to more mobile bandwidth availability and higher mobile data caps. MP4 is a more flexible file format than 3GP, though, because it can be played by many more types of devices and software.

What is MP3?

An MP3 is a digital audio file that’s compressed so it’s easy to store and transfer. It’s a lossy format, meaning it drops some of the audio’s sound when it’s compressed. Most of this dropped sound is inaudible when you play it back, however. MP3 files can be about one-tenth the size of lossless audio files, making them easy to share, store and play back on most devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to convert 3GP to MP3 online?

  1. Choose a 3GP file from your computer or drag and drop it into Restream’s audio converter.
  2. Select Convert and the converter will start processing.
  3. Download your MP3 file when it’s ready.

Will my file lose quality when I convert 3GP to MP3?

Depending on which file type you’re starting with, you might lose a little bit of quality when converting to MP3, but it’s such a small amount that it’s not noticeable.

Supported file formats


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